
Sensoria – Haus der Düfte und Aromen
Europe’s first interactive, multi-sensory visitor experience centre on fragrances
and flavours in Holzminden

The perfume organ is closed on the following days due to private events: 24 July from 12 noon and on 8 May (all day) /////The perfume organ is closed on the following days due to private events: 24 July from 12 noon and on 8 May (all day) /////The perfume organ is closed on the following days due to private events: 24 July from 12 noon and on 8 May (all day) /////The perfume organ is closed on the following days due to private events: 24 July from 12 noon and on 8 May (all day) /////The perfume organ is closed on the following days due to private events: 24 July from 12 noon and on 8 May (all day) /////The perfume organ is closed on the following days due to private events: 24 July from 12 noon and on 8 May (all day) /////The perfume organ is closed on the following days due to private events: 24 July from 12 noon and on 8 May (all day) /////The perfume organ is closed on the following days due to private events: 24 July from 12 noon and on 8 May (all day) /////The perfume organ is closed on the following days due to private events: 24 July from 12 noon and on 8 May (all day) /////The perfume organ is closed on the following days due to private events: 24 July from 12 noon and on 8 May (all day) /////The perfume organ is closed on the following days due to private events: 24 July from 12 noon and on 8 May (all day) /////The perfume organ is closed on the following days due to private events: 24 July from 12 noon and on 8 May (all day) /////The perfume organ is closed on the following days due to private events: 24 July from 12 noon and on 8 May (all day) /////The perfume organ is closed on the following days due to private events: 24 July from 12 noon and on 8 May (all day) /////The perfume organ is closed on the following days due to private events: 24 July from 12 noon and on 8 May (all day) /////

Smell. Taste.

Sensoria shows the fascinating world of fragrances and flavours. The interactive exhibition house for smelling and tasting, which is unique in Europe, in the city of fragrances and flavours – Holzminden.

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Aktuelle Events

Upcoming Events

What does Sensoria offer?

Sensoria is the first exhibition centre dedicated to the subject of fragrances and flavours on this scale. There are scent museums and exhibitions on the senses, but Sensoria is unique in Europe in this combination and variety.

Current Events

Events in March 2025–February 2026

Sensory Experiences!

Workshops, tastings, seminars or themed weekends. Sensoria offers a fragrant and delicious programme for everyone – varied, surprising and unforgettable for the senses!


Entdecken Sie die Bereiche von Sensoria

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erfahren Sie, was Sie bei Sensoria

Sensoria Haus
Dachgarten Ausstellungsfläche Gebäudespitze



Der 500 m² große Dachgarten lädt zum Entspannen ein. Zwischen Lavendel, Rosen und aromatischen Kräutern den Moment genießen, dabei den Blick auf die Lutherkirche und Weser schweifen lassen. Ein exklusiver Genuss für alle Besuchenden der Ausstellung.

Sensoria Dachgarten



615 m² Ausstellungsfläche gilt es zu erkunden. Das Besondere die Fläche ist als zusammenhängender, fließender Raum mit 6 % Steigung konzipiert. Ohne Unterbrechung wandelt man von einem Themenbereich zum nächsten.

Sensoria Bereich3



Stolze 16 Meter ragt das Gebäude in die Höhe. Die turmartige Erhöhung in der Sichtachse der Weserbrücke und Fußgängerzone markiert Präsenz und bildet gemeinsam mit den bestehenden Hochpunkten wie Torhäusern, Lutherkirche und Getreidesilo einen identitätsstiftenden Orientierungspunkt der Stadt.


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