Sensory Events

Enjoy the diversity of the senses. In today’s world, where technology dominates everyday life, it is important to consciously experience the senses again. By participating in Sensoria’s events, perception can be sharpened and inspire to create a more colourful life. Themed evenings offer the opportunity to exchange ideas with like-minded people and gain new experiences. Exhibitions and readings take you into other worlds and open up new perspectives. The workshops allow you to improve your own skills and express yourself creatively.
Fragrances. Flavours. Experience.
Workshops, Tastings, Seminars
Create your own perfume, explore the aromatic diversity of French wines or let your creativity run free in the creation of floral wreaths – our series of experiences at the SENSORIUM offer themes from the world of fragrances and flavours to suit all tastes. Whether for individuals or private groups, the possibilities are endless. Need a seminar ticket as a gift? We are happy to provide vouchers for these fragrant and flavoursome experiences.

Looking for an Event Location?
Zum 150-jährigen Jubiläum des Vanillins aus Holzminden,
zeigt Sensoria in der „Vanille“ Pop-Up Ausstellung die Welt
der braunen Schote. Neben dem Herstellungsprozess und
dem Anbauland Madagaskar erwartet Sie ein spannendes
Rahmenprogramm rund um die Königin der Gewürze.