
The history of
Fragances and
Flavours of
Holzminden, a small district town in southern Lower Saxony, surrounded by the hilly landscape of the Weserbergland, has developed into a centre of the fragrance and flavour industry over the last 150 years. It all began with the invention of the synthetic flavour “vanillin”…

Dr Wilhelm Haarmann founded the “Vanillinfabrik Dr Wilhelm Haarmann” in Holzminden; initially with the help of his research colleague Prof Ferdinand Tiemann. The company, later renamed “Haarmann & Reimer”, celebrated further product successes in the field of fragrances and flavours over the next few decades.

Hairdresser Carl Wilhelm Gerberding founded the company “Drago”, later called “Dragoco”, with August Bellmer in Holzminden. The first products are hair tonics as well as perfume and soap compositions. Over the course of time, the product range has also been extended to include flavourings.

“Haarmann & Reimer” merged with “Dragoco” to form “Symrise GmbH & Co. KG”. Three years later, the company went public. To this day, Symrise is a global player in the fragrance and flavour industry, supplying the world with fragrances and flavours.

Holzminden is now officially “the city of fragrances and flavours”.

The Community Foundation of Holzminden decided to commission a feasibility study for an exhibition on fragrances and flavours.

Final decision by the Holzminden town council to build the interactive experience centre “Sensoria – Haus der Düfte und Aromen”. The ground-breaking ceremony took place in July 2022.
2024 March – July

Anniversary year in Holzminden. 150 years of vanillin production in Holzminden and 10 years of the city of fragrances and flavours. Sensoria celebrates even before the opening with the “Vanilla” pop-up exhibition on Obere Straße in Holzminden.
2024 September

Sensoria – Haus der Düfte und Aromen celebrates the grand opening of its exhibition on the 28th of September.